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Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Holidays in the heart of Austria
Relax, enjoy, experience – being at home on holiday
You know your accommodation?

Welcome and enjoy your stay

Where nature is still nature, where customs are maintained, where you are treated not as a guest but as a person, where it's easy to live ...

Here you can find our accommodations

{{mapSelectedUnit.fb_count}} Bewertungen
{{(mapSelectedUnit.fb_avg.toFixed(1) )}}/5
{{mapSelectedUnit.facilityName | vautolang}} {{ | vautolang}}
{{value}}, {{value}}
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.rooms}} Room
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.beds}} persons
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.bedrooms}} Bedroom
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.squareMeters}} m2 Size
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.bathrooms}} Bathroom
  • Dogs not allowed
  • Dogs allowed
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